My True Media (MTM) provides the content on this website for educational and information purposes only. We do not condone digital rights theft (often called piracy to illicit a more dramatic emotional response). MTM accepts neither legal liability nor responsibility for how you decide to use information provided to you.
MTM Contains Content Some May Find Objectionable
We also have no control over links and content provided by any site to which we link. If you notice an infringement of legal rights, please inform the digital asset owners or host sites directly.
Kodi and Other Streaming Apps
My True Media is directly affiliated in no way with either the XBMC/Kodi Foundation or any other streaming software developer. The My True Media website is a third-party fan website sharing links to unofficial, third-party apps and addons. MTM does not create, develop, own, or financially support any of the software development projects or Kodi addons linked to on this website.
You are responsible for content you access and watch with your streaming device. We do not condone piracy. You are responsible for ensuring that you or the sites you access for streaming have copyright agreements providing legal entitlement to access and/or share this content through proper licensing channels.
We neither host nor upload media files (avi, mp3, mov, torrent, mp4, flv, mpg, mpeg, divx, etc) without either ownership or other legal authorization. MTM also does not host, produce, or develop any of the software mentioned on this website.
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