This MTM tutorial guide explores what Real-Debrid is and teaches how to install and set it up on Kodi. Precisely speaking, Real-Debrid does not require installation on Kodi. However, Real-Debrid needs activation and set up within Kodi addons since it is a service and not an addon itself.
You may ask, why use Real Debrid on Kodi? Because Real Debrid fixes many buffering issues and broken streams by providing access to several premium services for unconstrained downloading servers. Due to the low number of people accessing files on the Real-Debrid servers, transfer speeds are significantly increased. The added benefits of maximum connection speeds and uptime availability are features loved by Kodi users.
What is Real-Debrid?
Real-Debrid is a private, unrestricted downloading service. This works great for streaming huge, high-definition video files with little to no noticeable buffering.

Download & Stream Large Files Fast
Kodi add-ons that serve on-demand content such as free movies and TV shows can buffer without the addition of Real-Debrid. Thus, one way to think of Real-Debrid is as a service that includes many other services and all their high-speed servers.
A Real-Debrid account gives you access to around 50 different high-speed global download services and all their premium servers.
With one Real-Debrid single-login account, you acquire accounts at all those services, so you access them all at once with ease.
Real Debrid Kodi Streaming
Gain access to over 50 server hosts with a Real Debrid account on Kodi. Real-Debrid allows access to many licensed content providers, including Vimeo, DailyMotion, and YouTube. But, Debrid Kodi streams also include unlicensed content, so be aware of the risks and take precautions.
I always advise using the protection of a high-speed VPN while accessing streams found anywhere online. The cached torrents provided by Real Debrid are already encrypted in transit to your streaming device, so the encryption of the VPN is just an extra safety precaution.
Not only will a VPN protect you at all times online, but in conjunction with Real Debrid, frozen and buffering streams will be things of the past.
Register Real-Debrid Account
Important Note: You must deactivate your VPN before following this setup procedure. Once deactivated, complete the Real-Debrid setup detailed below. You should then launch and connect with your VPN app once more.
Next, get your account setup at the Real-Debrid . Then, subscribe to Real Debrid and gain access to a motherload of stable, high-speed file hosts.
Install Kodi TV addons
Make sure you have the URLResolver dependency module for Kodi addons installed already. Typically, URLResolver auto-installs when you install specific Kodi addons. These include Exodus or any other video-on-demand TV Kodi addon.
If you don’t already have the URLResolver Kodi addon installed, then install nearly any third-party Kodi TV addon or build to make sure it’s in place. Below, I use The Crew addon to illustrate the setup and usage of Real-Debrid within Kodi addons.
How to Install & Setup Real-Debrid on Kodi
- Launch Kodi and head to the Settings by clicking on the gear icon at the top left
- Then, click on the System Settings in the lower right.
- Then, scroll all the way down to the
Standard at the bottom of the left menu, then click to activate the availability of
Advanced settings.
- Then, scroll to the Add-ons menu item.
- Click on Manage dependencies in the options listed to the right.
- Next, choose ResolveURL.
- Click the Configure button.
- Highlight Universal Resolvers on the left, then scroll down to Real-Debrid and click Priority. Change the value from 100 to 90, then make sure Real-Debrid is enabled and torrent support is toggled on.
- Click the OK button on the right to finalize the settings.
Authorize Real-Debrid in Kodi
- Then, click on Configure once more.
- Enter Universal Resolvers and double-check that Real Debdrid is toggled to ON. You may opt to turn on Torrent Support at this time.
- Under Real-Debrid heading in the middle column, click (Re)Authorize My Account.
- Make sure to write down code that appears in Resolve URL Real-Debrid Kodi Authorization window.
- Then, open in a browser window and enter the authorization code.
- Check in the upper right corner of the Kodi screen for the URLResolver Real-Debrid Resolver Authorized message to appear.
The URLResolver now has Real-Debrid Kodi authorization, and you’re good to go. Real-Debrid sources will be available within almost all Kodi add-ons since most support the service.
Real-Debrid Free Trial
At one point, there was a free Real Debrid version, though the free service was limited to what they called “Happy Hours.” The hours they considered “happy” were from 6:00 am till 12 noon in France, translating to UTC +1 or +2 depending upon daylight savings time.
Real-Debrid’s paid service provides premium access to a considerable amount of popular file hosts online. Low-cost subscription fees maintain the servers, so your download speeds are lightning-fast, and there is abundant space for uploads.
While Real-Debrid is a paid service, popular Kodi add-ons are free. Unfortunately, sometimes these free addons buffer and contain dead streams, which is fixed when you integrate your Real-Debrid account.
Real Debrid also provides access to older shows that are now considered less than popular with mainstream audiences. You will even notice Real-Debrid Kodi TV addons revive streams that once seemed dead.
Get Your Fast Links Streaming
Kodi users can significantly benefit from access to dozens of reliable, high-speed file hosts using Real Debrid. While Real Debrid provides one of the fastest, most consistent solutions available for streaming videos in Kodi, it costs way less than a cable subscription or paid streaming service.
Remember, your ISP can still see your online activities while using Real Debrid on Kodi. To hide your data, actions, and location while saving money with the Surfshark VPN app today! Then, rest assured knowing you have unlimited access to the internet anytime, anywhere.
For a more enjoyable, flawless streaming experience, try Real-Debrid on Kodi. Enjoy HD quality videos without the buffering that often plagues typical free streams online. I strongly suggest that you check your internet connection speed and implement Real-Debrid within Kodi if you are experiencing buffering problems and…
May your streams never run dry!
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